Saturday, August 31, 2019

Learning English: A Lesson in Language and Culture

To those outside the educational system, the teaching of language may seem to be a simple communication of skills from one person to another.   For those involved in education, however, language instruction has long been linked to cultural bias and social engineering, leading to debates over the notion of a â€Å"neutral language.†Ã‚   Such a language would facilitate the exchange of objective concepts such as spelling, grammar, and pronunciation without imposing subjective cultural constructs such as beliefs abut class, gender, and religion. As languages originate and develop in response to needs and conditions all too human, and therefore highly emotional, it is unlikely that any truly neutral language exists, and this is particularly evident when we consider the English language. The teaching of English has sociocultural implications that extend far beyond the learning environment, and this is best demonstrated by examining the relationship of Standard English to other varieties of English as well as to other languages being taught. The distinction between standard and vernacular forms of a language is based on the perceived differences between the educated and the uneducated.   The term â€Å"standard,† when used to describe language, generally refers to that form of the language that is used for formal and written applications by those who occupy the highest ranks of society.   Rules governing its usage tend to be rather strict and resistant to change. In contrast, a vernacular is the colloquial language used informally by a group of people, much less rigid in its forms and much more liable to change.   An online version of the Oxford English Dictionary, the recognized authority on the English language, exemplifies this divisiveness in its definition of the noun â€Å"vernacular† as â€Å"the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people of a country or region.†Ã‚   Aligning the vernacular form with so-called â€Å"ordinary† folks naturally infers a similar association between the standard form and less ordinary people, the literate elite who use it. This lofty status is often justified by reference to the wealth of classical literature, historical documents, and scientific/technical writings that exist in both British and American Standar1d English.   An understanding of Standard English provides access to these canons and to the educational systems that utilize them.   These systems offer the knowledge and expertise necessary for the highest levels of professional and intellectual achievement.   Simply put, a better than average knowledge of Standard English offers a better than average chance at attaining prominence in highly skilled and specialized areas such as education, business, or technology (Brindley 208). Whether this effect is seen as favorable or unfavorable depends, as most things do, on the perspective through which it is viewed.   Any experience that affords people greater personal control over important life issues may seem universally appealing, yet insistence upon teaching only Standard English has evoked considerable controversy (Brindley 205).   Those who advocate the teaching of Standard English writing in a way that emphasizes its reliance on stringent rules and formats have been accused of perpetuating a desired status quo (Brindley 226-227). By learning Standard English, students are carrying on a long tradition of literary scholarship that has yielded many important intellectual gains and brought the western world to the forefront in industry and science.   Detractors see the teaching of Standard English as an imposition of social norms that depend on conformity and narrow-mindedness.   By forcing people to think in constrained ways about language, teachers are hindering both creativity and individuality for the sake of convention (Bourne 243). Such adherence to uniformity often puts the learner in an uncomfortable and confusing situation, as when the home background and the educational environment clash in terms of language.   Katharine Perera describes the difficulties encountered by children being taught Standard English while living in homes and neighborhoods where the vernacular is the mode of expression. For them, a change in their manner of speech represents an invalidation of their customary way of life and may create barriers between them and their peers.   The experience of speaking one way with friends or family who share their idiom, only to then be told by teachers that this language is wrong, forces most children to reluctantly choose one identity at the expense of the other (cited in Brindley 212). Concern over this loss of identity has fueled heated disputes in â€Å"mother-tongue† contexts, where English is taught as a first language and some form of it is used by much of the population as a native language (Brindley 206).   Davis and Watson report that in Australia, post-war migration increased the nation’s multiculturalism while weakening the influence of a common British legacy.   Responding to the resultant search for a national identity, the Australian curriculum acknowledges the relationship between this identity and language yet also recognizes the diversity that exists within â€Å"Australian Standard English† (cited in Brindley 206). The Australian Education Council’s statement on the English curriculum sets Australian English apart from American or British English chiefly by differences in vocabulary and pronunciation, and describes this national variety of English as a combination of the Standard Australian English used in schools and several vernacular forms, any one of which a student may use at home.  Ã‚   The curriculum statement also advises that Standard Australian English should be taught as an extension of local idioms and not as a replacement for them. Although the report further stresses importance of Australian Standard English because of its role in educational structures, professional fields, and spoken communication, it also recognizes the value of vernacular forms and the cultural backgrounds they represent.   Its national plan for teaching English also notes that language changes in respect to context and purposes, and it urges that students be made aware of this fact so they can apply their language skills accordingly.   The Council also officially confers equal status to standard and local forms of English, viewing neither one as inherently superior to the other (cited in Brindley 207) Sue Brindley relates that the issue of the relative worth of different language forms is intensely debated in Britain, where the world’s richest history of English has led to much linguistic diversity.   Standard English is an integral part of the official school curriculum, yet there is no consensus about exactly what constitutes standardized English and how it is connected to a student’s home variety (Brindley 208).   A Department for Education and Welsh Office statement cites strict observance to rules of vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and pronunciation as the distinguishing features of Standard English to be taught in England and Wales, yet this description is too vague to give a precise definition. Although the British policy encourages the use of standardized language for both written and spoken applications, it also recognizes that spoken English is more spontaneous and therefore less apt to conform to the same rigorous criteria used in more carefully planned written applications (cited in Brindley 210).   By associating Standard English with qualities like precision and clear diction, the British curriculum contradicts the viewpoint of many linguists and educators, as well as the sentiments expressed in the Australian English statement, by implying that school-sanctioned standardized forms are linguistically superior to other varieties (Brindley 211).   The obvious counterpart to this attitude is a belief that vernacular forms of English are inferior. Brindley speaks of educators who are concerned that such a prejudicial position will necessarily lead to a gradual erosion of the traditional cultural values that underlie the home life of those whose first language is the vernacular. Some teachers have taken it upon themselves to teach Standard English in a way that does not discriminate against home-based language varieties and, by extension, their associated ways of life. In this manner, they hope to allow students to derive the benefits inherent in a multicultural approach: a greater fund of knowledge about languages, a richer social experience, and a keener appreciation of different manners of thinking (212-213). In countries where the native language is not English, there is every bit as much controversy regarding the cultural aftereffects of learning English.   For people living in geographical areas marked by poverty and need, an education in English may be seen as a way to rise to the echelons of power and privilege.   Yet for those already enjoying that power and privilege, the promotion of English for the masses may be seen as either a welcome conversion or a dangerous threat.   Anthea Fraser Gupta’s account of the spread of English in colonial India traces the complicated history of the English empire’s influence over native Indians.   When Great Britain officially endorsed the teaching of English to Indians, the intent was to introduce not only the language of the United Kingdom but also its cultural and religious values. British officials were in effect attempting to create darker-skinned versions of themselves, seeing the inculcation of western ideals as a means of eradicating a way of life that they considered idolatrous, immoral, and unrefined ( 190-191).   At the same time, Indians in positions of power worried that giving the lower classes a glimpse of what was possible through an English education worked against their interests.   S.N. Mukherjee (cited in Gupta 192) reports that the Calcutta upper classes feared that those below their social rank would become dissatisfied with their inferior status. More than a hundred years after the events chronicled in Gupta’s account, teachers of English still encounter resistance from pupils who either feel that language is being forced upon them or resent social exclusion from English-speaking society (Bourne 243-244)..   Despite this, Jill Bourne informs us that the current trend in non-English speaking countries is to incorporate English language lessons into the primary school system.   Even in Malaysia, where this is not endorsed, private schools offer English instruction to students whose wealthy parents are willing to pay for what they perceive as an important step on the road to social success (244). Several countries, including Germany, the former Czech Republic, Hungary, Malay, and Hong Kong, have implemented some form of what America calls Language and Content Teaching, which blends language instruction with course content.   The focus is shifted from the English language to the curriculum material, which is presented through the medium of English.   However, in most parts of the world where English is taught, the emphasis remains on English as a subject itself (Bourne 244).   This suggests that for most nations, what is truly being sought is not an adoption of English values but the attainment of proficiency in a language that offers access to more profitable pursuits. It is easy to understand why countries such as Hong Kong, whose economy is deeply invested in international commerce, would feel pressured to acquire English fluency.   English is a major language of trade, and an inability to speak it proficiently is a definite disadvantage in the business arena.   This becomes clearer when we consider it on a smaller, more personal scale.   Anyone who has spent time among people who shared a common, foreign language knows the frustration and stigmatization that can result from an inability to communicate easily and appropriately with others. There is a natural human desire to feel connected to others in some way, and language provides an excellent means of achieving that sense of belonging.   When essential life factors such as economic, social, and professional standing are at stake, language becomes even more crucial. This relationship between modes of communication and key life issues is precisely why the concept of a neutral language is a hypothetical one.   The teaching of any language involves the transmission of much more than rules about grammar and pronunciation.   It inevitably requires some measure of cultural change on the part of the learner, and in the case of English instruction those changes can have profound effects upon many major aspects of life.   For this reason, educators and students alike must respect the various forms of language as reflections of valuable cultural and social traditions. Works Cited Bourne, Jill. â€Å"English for Speakers of Other Languages.† Learning English: Development and Diversity. Eds. Neil Mercer and Joan Swann. UK: The Open University, 2002, 243-270. Brindley, Sue, with contributions from Swann, Joan. â€Å"Issues in English Teaching.† Learning English: Development and Diversity. Eds. Neil Mercer and Joan Swann. UK: The Open University, 2002, 205-228. Gupta, Anthea Fraser. â€Å"English and Empire: Teaching English in Nineteenth Century India.† Learning English:   Development and Diversity. Eds. Neil Mercer and Joan Swann. UK: The Open University, 2002, 188-194. â€Å"vernacular.† Compact Oxford English Dictionary. 2005. (3 Dec. 2005).

Reconstruction: American Civil War and Black Man Essay

What were the objectives and long term effects of Reconstruction on political, economic and social development of the United States? Reconstruction, literally meaning the rebuilding of the shattered nation, was a pivotal movement between 1865 and 1877 in which the South was trying to be readmitted into the Union as well as a moment in time where blacks were attempting to gain a redefined status in American society. The period of reconstruction during the later half of the 19th century consisted of two primary periods, known as presidential and radical reconstruction. Each one had its own unique goals and accomplishments; both however making significant advances for both South and the freedmen following the end of the civil war. Politically, economically, and socially, America was affected significantly in these areas during the Reconstruction era. Although successful in its pursuit of readmitting the South and redefining the status of the black man, the greater of the two accomplishm ents for the country as a whole was the rise in importance of the black man in American society. While political participation became one of the leading goals for blacks, who thought and believed was a significant part of the overall definition of freedom, following the end of the Civil War, the South was devastated economically but starting from almost nothing, the Union was able to reassemble eventually into a united nation socially. The vision of freedom during this era was quite controversial during this time, as no single man appeared to have an acceptable and clear definition that applied to the common man. As Congressman James Garfield mentioned in 1865, â€Å"What is freedom? Is it the bare privilege of not being chained? If this is all, then freedom is a bitter mockery, a cruel delusion.† The idea of freedom meant two separate things for the white and black man. African American’s definition of freedom was based on their experiences as slaves and what they observed around them in what they considered a free society. Public education and the sharing of righ ts and opportunities as other American citizens were some of the ideals that swept through the minds of the once previous slaves. Henry Adams, who was an emancipated slave in the state of Louisiana stated, â€Å"If I cannot do like a white man, I am not free†; a common theme for all blacks during this redefining stage of the black man. Succession from the Union created a difficult path for the South back into the Union following the end of the Civil War in 1866. One of the most  difficult objectives for the country as a whole was to gain the cooperation of the South in attempt to redefine the status of the black man; a goal that the South clearly and for good reason wanted no part of. Although not blatantly said before civil war broke out between the North and South, the war was fought over the debate of slavery. Therefore, as the North requested the South’s cooperation in honoring the goals and motives of this movement, there was an almost expected surge in opposition from those below the Mason-Dixie line. Social developments among the black communities created lasting effects upon American Soc iety which has lasted more than a century. Institutions like churches became centers for schools and social events, and almost a century later became strongholds for speeches that propelled the civil rights movement. The first black universities began to spring up across the country suck as Fisk University in Tennessee, Hampton University in Virginia, and Howard University in Washington D.C. Black family life which previously never existed came into existence. These social advances sparked the political and economical changes that would soon follow. Presidential Reconstruction, 1865 through 1867, consisted of a series of proclamations that had one goal, to reunite the nation. The man behind all the action, President Andrew Johnson, Lincoln’s successor, became the man in charge of the restoration of the Union. Although President Andrew Johnson once supported emancipation under Lincoln, this would soon change as he came into power. With the objective of admitting the South back into the Union, the president restored political and property rights through a series of pardons to all white southerners who agreed to take an oath of allegiance. Even though this pardon was meant to exclude leaders of the once confederates and wealthy planters, they were also given the opportunity to take an oath of allegiance. Furthermore, President Johnson appointed provisional governors to call state conventions that would create loyal governments. Unfortunately, these ‘loyal governments’ would become primarily infested with confederate leaders. The only rules that the South was required to abide by was the abolishment of slavery, reunite with the union, and pay confederated debt. But in turn, the president allowed the new governments to manage their local affairs; foreshadowing a disastrous outlook for the freedom movement of the black man. Soon after the end of the Civil War in 1865, Frederick Douglas said, â€Å"Sla very is not abolished  until the black man has the ballot.† Political participation became one of the leading goals for blacks, who thought and believed was a significant part of the overall definition of freedom. Having agreed to allow local governments in the South to govern their own affairs, this created a wall of opposition to this objective of political participation. Black codes, put into effect by southern governments to regulate blacks’ lives granted legalized marriage, ownership of property, and limited access to the courts. At the same time the black codes denied blacks voting rights and the ability to testify against whites in courts; ultimately creating a greater divide not only between the North and the South, but the North and the President of the United States. However, the ratification of the fourteenth amendment following the passing of the Civil Rights Bill in April of 1866 put citizenship into effect for all Americans, requiring the federal government to protect the rights of all Americans. This amendment stated that any state that denied the right for blacks to vote would have their representation in Congress reduced. This did not grant blacks the right to vote, however put political democracy in favor of the black community. The Reconstruction Act of 1867 marked the end of Presidential Reconstruction, and marked the beginning of a new period called Radical Reconstruction. This act along with the Tenure of Office Act, were just few of the political moves by Congress which characterized this time period. However most significant was the fifteenth amendment which under President Ulysses Grant in 1868 made it illegal to deny the right to vote based on race, literacy tests, property qualifications, and poll taxes. By 1870, the desire to have all states readmitted to the Union was completed. A few years previous of this, new state constitutions slowly started to form. Under these new state constitutions, the first established state-funded systems of free public education, prisons, orphanages, and institutions for the insane came to be. Further political action that affected American society which in some way or another has left an impact on society today is the Freedmen’s Bureau. This agency created in March of 1865 was put into place by Congress to establish schools, help the needy, settle disputes between blacks and whites, and finally maintain equal treatment for blacks and those loyal of the union in front of the courts. This bureau had a lasting impact, creating an astounding 3,000 schools, and ran hospitals that had been put into place  during the war. In addition, close to 250 blacks took office during the Reconstruction Era, marking a change in the direction of politics of the country as a whole. Following the end of the Civil War, the South was devastat ed economically. Numerous short-term effects became prominent, such as the situation with share cropping and the crop-lien system; two systems in which the black man as well as the white man came out as losers. However, due to the tremendous devastation that did take place railroads began to penetrate the South where investors and merchants took advantage of the ongoing situation. With the growing presence of the railroad companies in the South and their rapid expansion, towns and cities further inland became the market places for merchants and townsfolk. Cities like Atlanta for once were able to trade directly with the North. These cities expanded quickly and became enormous centers for great populations of people which are present today. Infrastructure, factories, and towns popped-up where they never would have existed without the introduction of the railroad. The Reconstruction Era was a period of time in American history which was represented by a country in shambles, a country divided not only b y the famous Mason-Dixie line but on grounds of ethics and morals. A country that had been devastated by war, and there existed points at which the conflict was not only between the North and South but also against the President of the United States like that of President Andrew Johnson. Starting from almost nothing, the Union was able to reassemble eventually into a united nation. The country was by no means unified on their perspectives such as politics or black’s place in society, but at least they were once again one union. Although unified once more, the reclassification of the black man in society far out-did the importance associated with readmitting the South into the Union. A country separated on accounts of civil war is by no means an easy situation to deal with. The process by which Congress and the North as well as South had to undergo in order to become what we now call the United States is no less than a marvel. But a greater success story can be found within the decade or so we call the Reconstruction Era. The freedom allotted to the black men that were once under white control is absolutely incredible. Not only was slavery abolished and black men allowed to vote thanks to the 15th amendment, but they finally took hold in American life with their own communities and establishments. There exists no other point  in American history besides the Revolutionary War that a group of people fought so hard, in desperation for their rights and the opportunity to live freely with the ability to reap nearly the same benefits as their counter parts, the white man. Within 12 years the black men were no longer slaves to a wealthy plantation owner, and no longer were they limited in society due to the belief that they were completely ignorant, but were now part of a nation that took significant progress in making blacks their equals. Although not perfect, an entire race was finally being recognized by society as a product-full part of society. A shattered nation was by no means an understatement in describing the condition of America following the Civil War. Not only having the overwhelming task of coming to terms of agreements with the succeeded states in order to re-unify the country, the country was also placed with another enormous situation, having to redefine the status of blacks in American Society. America has marveled many over its history, and has not let-up in its ability to amaze those in the accomplishments and advances made during this period of time. Whether it be the ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, or the fact that by 1870 the once divided nation was whole again. America has the ability to overcome even with the odds against them. The railroad system not only penetrated the South, but created a lasting impact like that of bustling towns which have now grown into tremendous cities such as Atlanta. Public education finally came to the forefront with the creation of Universities still prominent today like that of Fisk University. However far apart and at the same time inter-related the objectives of the Reconstruction Era were, the re-admittance of the South into the Union was not the highlight of the late 19th century, but masked by the success story of the redefining of the black man in American society.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Aqa Business Studies Essay

Explain two benefits to them of setting up the business as a partnership. (4 marks) Explain two ways that Expresso Printing Ltd could motivate its two new employees (4 Marks) Explain two possible effects on Good for Us of lowering its prices (4 Marks) Good for Us prides itself in providing good customer service. Explain two ways in which Good for Us could provide good customer service (4 Marks) Explain the benefits to Darren of producing a business plan (4 Marks) Explain two benefits to Darren of aiming his product range at a gap in the market (4 Marks) Explain why the charity uses volunteers in the shop and not paid workers (4 Marks) Explain why the profit or loss made in November 2010 has changed from the ? 50 000 profit made in November 2009. (4 marks) Using the data in Figure 1, calculate the profit or loss made by Atkins Ltd in November 2010. (4 Marks) Explain why it is important and how does it benefit Atkins Ltd for having a high quality product. (4 Marks) Explain one advantage and one disadvantage for Jenny of operating as a franchise. 4 Marks) Explain two possible reasons why A to Z Frames has highly paid workers (4 Marks) Explain how STS would benefit from improving its customer service. (4 Marks) State one other source of finance and explain why it might be suitable for Tony and Rima (4 Marks) Explain the possible effects on Meals for All of using cheaper ingredients (4 Marks) Describe the effect that the opening of the new pizza takeaway might have on two different groups of stakeholders of Marco’s business (4 Mar ks) Explain what other information Marco would need to consider before deciding whether to reduce his price (4 Marks) Explain two advantages to Budget Signs Ltd of using batch production to produces its large range of standard signs (4 Marks) Explain two advantages to Budget Signs Ltd of using job production to produces its large range of standard signs (4 Marks) Explain two disadvantages to Budget Signs Ltd of using batch production to produces its large range of standard signs (4 Marks) Explain two disadvantages to Budget Signs Ltd of using job production to produces its large range of standard signs (4 Marks) State and explain two reasons why the company mainly employs part – time staff State and explain two reasons why the company mainly employs full – time staff Explain two benefits to them of setting up the business as a company. (4 marks) Explain two benefits to them of setting up the business as a franchise. (4 marks) Explain two benefits to them of setting up the business as a partnership. (4 marks)

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Economic Implications for Producer Investments in Value-Added Business Research Paper

Economic Implications for Producer Investments in Value-Added Business - Research Paper Example This has resulted in the increase of production costs and lowering of profits for the grower of commodities that run the cycle of human existence. Consequently, the producers are identifying opportunities for their own growth and investing in value addition of the products that they produce. This removes many of the intermediaries in the supply chain resulting in lowered prices for the consumer and increasing profits for the producer. For today’s growers, the reins of the future are in their hands. Producer investments in value added business with a workable strategy is not only lucrative but also increases the potential of the producer with minimum output, therefore a very attractive option for the producers around the world. Economic Implications for Producer Investments in Value-Added Business The global economic spectrum has changed drastically in the last decade. The rise in population, inflation and prices of raw materials has changed the economic equilibrium that existed in demand and supply change. With the rise in population, the demand for food items is also on the rise resulting in increasing demand of agriculture produce. This should mean higher income opportunities for the producers. The fact is the other way around due to the rise in the prices of raw materials required for agriculture and diminishing consumer capability to buy. As a result, the returns that the farmers and the ranchers earn on agriculture produce decreases thereby affecting the entire rural class that makes up a good number of populations in many agriculture-producing countries. To get higher returns, more farmers and growers are investing in their produce to make them more value added even to the level of retailer. With the final produce reaching the stores and retailers directly from the prod ucers, the profit margins for the agriculture related people has increased significantly resulting in growth of agriculture and of economic prosperity of the growers. Another benefit that the farmers get through these investments is freedom from industrial exploitation making it very beneficial for them (pg11-18, Tadlock Cowan, 2003). The Need of Producer Investment in Value Added Businesses The growing competition in the global market is changing the attitudes of the farmers by motivating them to improve their quality of produce by employing latest technology in farming and growing. Today, the farmers know the market economies and the latest technology that they can use to convert their produced raw material to more finished goods. The modern growers keep in the view the requirements of the end-user of the produce and try to develop the products keeping that in mind. This bold change in the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Lee Iacocca Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Lee Iacocca - Research Paper Example He was also fired from Ford Motor Company but revamped the image of Chrysler Corporation. He is considered as a man of vision possessing great leadership skills often appreciated and criticized by many in the business world. The assignment aims at highlighting the leadership traits, approaches and insights of Lee Iacocca that fetched him a stupendous achievement of being ranked 18th in the list of highly influential American CEOs by Portfolio. His ideas and philosophies are well appreciated making him one of the highly respected business personalities across the world. It might amaze many but Lee Iacocca did not start his career as a top leader rather he earned this reputation through some extraordinary leadership skills and clear vision. While working with Ford Motor Corporation, he introduced one of the most interesting sales and marketing campaigns; 56 for 56 that aimed at offering loans on 1956 model cars by paying 20% as down payment and $56 per month. This campaign earned him great recognition in the organization making early inroads for future endeavors. His leadership traits include effective communication, high level of motivation, encouragement, charisma, competence and courage. His positive attitude and zeal to succeed in the short as well as in the long run acted as a positive catalyst for the organization that further offered wide arrays of benefits and advantages. Lee Iacocca always supported changes along with promoting other’s ideas. He believed in empowerment and leading by examples that helped in winning the trust and loyalty of his followers. His profound insights and charismatic personality impacted his followers in a positive manner compelling them to think different and positively in worst of situations. Some of the highly admired and appreciated leadership traits and characteristics of Lee Iacocca include: Ethics are a set of moral rules and regulations perceived differently in the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Certain groups in society are more crime prone than others. Critically Essay

Certain groups in society are more crime prone than others. Critically discuss how social inequality might contribute to crime amongst these populations - Essay Example Social inequality should obviously contribute to the crime ranking. However, it is important to understand in what way it affects the society and groups. There exist two major approaches to the reasons making people commit a crime. Both of them are based on the concept of human nature. We all are supposed to be born with ‘inherent potentials and abilities’ that ‘interact with environmental influences to produce behaviour, some of which is considered criminal’ (Wiebe 2004). Why do some people violate the norms and laws of the society? What is more responsible for the anti-social behaviour – external, objective circumstances or our in-born inclinations? The XIX-XX centuries are notable for paying extreme attention to environment as the major shaper of an individual’s behaviour, sometimes even ignoring predispositions. These views must have spread due to socialists’ ideology. Radical environmentalism treats human nature as one consisting of "vague and consequently plastic predispositions" that constitute "the indeterminate material that the social factor melds and forms" (Durkheim, 1895/1962, pp. 105-106, In Wiebe 2004). Another radical wing of scientists keeps to the theories based on classical view of human nature, concepts developed by Hobbes and his contemporaries. The human is seen as a creature seeking ‘immediate gratification of selfish desires’ ready to ‘commit crimes in pursuit of this gratification’, which occurs ‘at the expense of the legitimate rights of others, undermining group interests’. In order to defend its interests the group may either teach its members self-control or simply limit opportunities to satisfy impulses (In Wiebe 2004). Besides, these two theories, there exist a variety of others. Strain theory teaches that people commit crime when they are blocked from their legitimate opportunities to attain the desirable goals, which are determined by the dominant culture.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Non infectious diarrhea or hemorroids Annotated Bibliography

Non infectious diarrhea or hemorroids - Annotated Bibliography Example Dearterialization by THD Doppler method and DG-HAL entails the joining of haemorrhoidal arteries, which has proven successful. Persistent bleeding is not evidenced in most of the patients. Patients undergoing this procedure did not complain of fecal incontinence and every patient reported progress in symptoms after a follow up of between 3 and 17 months. This procedure was used on patients with bleeding hemorrhoids who failed to respond to office or medical treatment methods. The patients underwent the Distal Doppler-guided dearterization (DDD) with an enema and anesthetic with propofol given as a painkiller in every patient before the procedure. During the operation, breathing was sustained through a laryngeal mask and no antibiotics were administered. Patients were laid in lithotomy positions and only one surgeon carried out the procedure. Using proximal Doppler-guided dearterialization alone could be unsuccessful in identifying the haemorrhoidal arteries at various places because of the possibility of extending further downward below the submucosa, especially the frontal rectal wall. This theory is sustained by the increased number of patients reporting persistent bleeding after proximal Doppler-guided dearterialization was used alone. Therefore, haemorrhoidal treatment using Distal Doppler-guided dearterization (DDD) was found t o be an effective and safe method of treatment with bleeding being rare. Ratto, C., Donisi, L., Parello, A., Litta, F., Zaccone, G., & Simone, V. (2012). Distal Doppler-guided dearterialization is highly effective in treating haemorrhoids by transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialization. Colorectal Disease, 14 (11),

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Career Counseling 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Career Counseling 3 - Essay Example ring the statistics for the state in which I intend to work as a practicing counselor – Texas – the figures are generally similar to the national average, with Texas being slightly higher in most categories: the state median for wages is $28.18, with the state average for annual counseling wages is $58, 600, and the prospective job prospects for the future within the state increasing by 31% in 2018. The videos related to the counseling profession were enlightening in a number of regards; for instance, the mental health counselor video demonstrated to great regard how the profession functions by providing real life depictions of counselors in action, it also described the requirements to become a counselor in the specific field, as well as discussing benefits and disadvantages. The Bureau of Labor statistics site information on the counseling profession was perhaps the most comprehensive of all the information supplied; I greatly appreciated the detailed discussions on t he nature of the work, the potential future employment opportunities, and the necessary qualifications for the profession. I completely agree with your assessment of the information on the designated sites. I also agree that the sites were very impressive with the extent of information they contained regarding labor statistics. For instance, the information on the employment trends, including median wages and future employment opportunities for the specific profession were very enlightening material. I also agreed with you on the significant details these sites held in regards to the state specific information; while nationwide information is relevant, to gain a true understanding of the employment environment it’s necessary to have this state specific information to gain a more realistic perspective on the actual career potential within the counseling field. Ultimately, I completely agree with your assessment of the information on the labor sites. There are a great many ways in which career

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Discussing strenghts and weaknesses in a research article Paper

Discussing strenghts and weaknesses in a article - Research Paper Example The title of the article is a weakness of the entire research process, and this is because of how the authors stated it. Mccluskey and McCarthy who completed the research could have stated the title in a suggestive manner to draw the attention of readers on such an essential practice in nursing. For instance, they could state title in a way that reflects their stand. Packing a wound is a medical process that involves the application of packing materials such as sterile gauze to deep wound so as to absorb drainage from the wounds to allow for faster healing, initializing the healing process from the internal section of the wound towards the external section or outer skin. The main purpose of setting up this qualitative research on packing wounds is therefore to effectively and conclusively determine the level of knowledge, skills, and competencies of nurses whom we entrust to attend to patients’ wounds (Wounds UK, 2008). The aim of the study is a formidable strength of the research the authors conducted. This is because the purpose of the study pioneered the study trying to determine the correlation between knowledge and competence in wound evaluation and management that had never been done prior to their study. How much knowledge in terms of empirical, aesthetic, personal and tacit knowhow do our nurses have or require to enable them be competent to the level of owning patients’ trust while being attended to? The research question strengthens the article, and this emanates from the way the authors tied the research question to the title, and this makes up for the statement of the title, which seems to be inadequate in the way it appeals to the readers. The need for professionalism in wound care cuts through all ages and specialties as stated by the law, which illustrates that each and every patient with a wound deserves the right to get access to and receive a good minimum standard care irrespective of etiology of their wounds, where care is

Friday, August 23, 2019

Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16

Entrepreneurship - Essay Example However, the regulatory requirements are essential because they protect entrepreneurs from competitive barriers; thus allowing the entrepreneur to compete favorably in the health care market. An entrepreneur will benefit from regulatory requirements; thus enabling the entrepreneur to achieve varied opportunities in the health care sector. The health care entrepreneurs can communicate and manage ethics effectively; thus establishing solid ethical and legal foundation. Communication in the workplace is essential because it will enable the employees and employers to understand one another. Managing ethics is one way through which an entrepreneur can establish solid legal foundation. Therefore, entrepreneurs should align the organizational goals and the labor force. This is imperative because it offers a solid foundation through which entrepreneurs can build effective, ethical decision-making and communicate about effective legal requirements. Morrison (32) argues that managing ethics in an organization is crucial because it builds solid code of conduct; thus guiding employees towards effective organizational performance. Therefore, communication and aligning the code of conducts with the organizational requirement can reaffirm the organizational values. Establishing solid ethical and legal foundation can foster a high l evel of trust in the health care organization; thus contributing to successful organization

Thursday, August 22, 2019

International Security in an Era of Globalization Research Paper

International Security in an Era of Globalization - Research Paper Example Security is one of the challenges that have continued to face different countries across the globe and this has led to the development of a common approach by different countries. The United States and countries in the European Union have in past collaborated in the fight against terrorism and cybercrime by sharing essential intelligent information that has assisted in forestalling serious terrorist attacks. Achieving this progress has been possible due to the advances that have been made in globalization front that has brought countries together and led to the development of a common ground and cultural integration. Globalization and democratization therefore have an intimate linkage that has seen each contribute to the development of the other. The process of globalization has created immense changes to different aspects of leadership and governance in the world. Through globalization, geographical separated countries have been brought together and provided room with a common operation. However, the advances in globalization have also led to the separation of some countries and this has contributed to conflict among countries that previously had cordial relationships. One of the quite visible change that globalization has created in different parts of the world is the change in the political culture of different countries around the globe. Through globalization, democratization, a practice that was commonly perfected by the western countries has been spread to other countries across the globe (Wunderlich, 2013). After the popularization of globalization by economists in the 1960s, the need for countries to open up its borders for other countries increased and this led to the emergence of multinationals, international human rights organisations and bodies tasked with promoting democracy and the protection of human rights. The impacts of globalization on the democratization process

Alcohol drinking Essay Example for Free

Alcohol drinking Essay The last reason of alcohol drinking among the youth in Hong Kong is tension reduction and it is the most common excuse among them. From a survey result conducted in 2008 by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group, about 30% of students increase their pressure index during the beginning of each new academic year. It was found that the high consumption of alcohol is related to the high level of pressure index. And the frequency of drinking depends on how early the students have experienced drinking alcohol. Drinking daily or over consumption of alcohol will lead to a chain of bad impacts. If we drink in a large amount, it will have lifelong negative consequences, including physically and mentally. Drinking can affect thinking capacity and the active attention period will be reduced effecively. Also fatigue may happen easily although only drinking a small amount of alcohol. As a result, it may affect in studies. As we notice that there are many foreign researches about the motivation of drinking but there are only little researches investigate the Hong Kong tertiary students. That means the foreign researches cannot completely reflect the Hong Kong situation due to the different cultural norms of east and west. Also, the education of alcohol management and knowledge are not prevalence in Hong Kong. Therefore, we would like to know about the basal motives of alcohol drinking and the influences of drinking among the tertiary students. And the healthcare stream students in IVE will be our target group. As our target group are studying in healthcare stream, we hypothesize that they are more likely to consider their health and a lower drinking frequency and quantity of alcohol will be found. We also assume that their motivation of drinking are due to peer, environment and social.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dangers of Using Cell Phones while Driving

Dangers of Using Cell Phones while Driving Michael D. Stripling Rationale: The rate at which road carnages are reported have increased significantly especially within the 21st century. Many people have been involved in accidents because of recklessness and inattentiveness in the roads as motorists. Statistics on these establishments creates the need of effective address before further harm and deaths are experienced. Many aspects in life have contributed recklessness relative to phone use by motorists. Theories relative to multitasking, movies, and ideologies devised by cell phone companies are among major contributors to phone use in cars. The young members of society bare the harm of using phones in cars because of misinformation, lack of information or ignorance to road safety measures. The youth are among the population most affected by road carnages and effects. There is need to give information to the youth on the dangers of using cell phones in cars before they engage in driving lessons and eventually driving. The information to the young people is important as it would help inculcate good cultures in driving and being considerate while on roads. The significance of the dangers of using cell phones by motorist is addressing recklessness that contributes to the death of road users through unjustified ways. Through addressing such an issue the importance of road safety will be illuminated. Road carnages have been for long related to vices like drinking and the use of drugs that interfere with cognitive abilities while on the road. This aspect will contribute an understanding of the relationship between using cell phones and using drugs while driving. Therefore, the presentation seeks to enable positive contribution in saving humanity through knowledge on ways to reduce and prevent road accidents. Outline of the Presentation Introduction The changes that have been experienced in the modern society prompting the need for the constant use of cell phones The oblivious nature and ignorance involving drivers of the dangers on road ways. The use of cell phone on own and other people’s lives Insurance Institute of Highway safety stipulates higher chances of motorist indulging car accident based on two reasons. The motorists have to divert attention to the phone’s interface. The motorist gets immersed in the conversation and attention is limited. According to Virginia Tech Transportation Institute and National Highway Traffic Safety. Use of hand-free phones are dangerous compared to hand held phones while driving The excuse of not holding phones while driving to avoid accidents is unjustified. Motorists that use hand-free phones while driving are 18% slower when braking. This stipulates that multitasking is an inconsiderate myth while driving in major roads. Young people are mostly oblivious of the recklessness and are involved in car accidents unjustifiably. Conclusion Cell phones contribute positively and immensely to people’s lives. There is need for care to avoid unjustifiable death on the roads. Introduction The modern society comprises of businessmen, students, lawyers, doctors and people of different occupations. These people have to ensure that they are constantly connected to clients, family and other people of significance in their lives. The popularity of cell phones has ensured a constant connection and updates in the lives of such people. However, most people tend to indulge in the wrong use of cell phones. This is because some people are either forgetful, oblivious or ignorant of the dangers of using cell phones while driving. The chart above stipulates how drastic accident levels are among the young people in the United States of America; which have highest cell phones popularity and usage. The popularity of cell phones has contributed to a culture which is costly to the society based on the number of deaths on roads because of recklessness. Regardless of the urgency of a call, it is not justified to put other people’s lives at risk because of own neglect and perceptions . The prohibition of using cell phones while driving is based on the imminent threats to people lives. According to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety, motorists are four times likely to get injured while driving and using their cell phones (Violanti Marshall, 1996). The high possibility of indulging in a car accident while using of cell phones is based on two factors. While dialing, most people have to look at the phone interface. This establishes a distraction from the incoming vehicles or objects, which increases the risk to crashing into an oncoming car or object. Another evident aspect that transpires in the use of cell phones is that people can be absorbed in the cell phone conversation to the extent that their thinking is impaired. This effect is similar to driving while drunk as the driver is not within proper reasonableness to make decisions while on the road. According to the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the use of hand-free phones is also dangerous compared to hand held phones (Rosenboom, 2006). In a study conducted in 2004, the motorists that used hands free phones have to redial approximately 40% of the time compared to the hand held phones by motorists (Rosenboom, 2006). This postulates the unjustified arguments which most people tend to engage as the excuse to use cell phones while driving. According to this research, the use of hand-free phones by motorists is more dangerous compared to the hand held phones. In the cases of near accident experiences, motorists that are on hands free phones are 18% slower in braking compared to those using hand-held phones (Lamble, et al, 1999). This statistic is similar to that of a person driving while intoxicated. These statistics support the ideology that is formed against the conventional knowledge of multitasking. Multitasking is a simple myth which does not suffice on the dangerous roads as truth or wisdom. Talking and driving are both activities that require attention. Therefore, performing both tasks at the same time is subjecting the brain to impossibilities and endangering other road users’ lives. The culture has grown popular especially among the youth who make statistics as they also suffer from road carnages due to recklessness. Conclusion Cell phones are vital gadgets to people’s lives especially in the 21st century where people have the need to be connected constantly. However, despite the convenience they offer, people have to consider the relative negative attributes. In the United States, it is reported that 6.4% of all crashes are because of inattentive driving (Strayer, Et al, 2003). Driving on any road, especially highways, is a matter that should not be taken lightly. This is because many people’s lives including unaware bystanders are dependent on the attentive level of motorist. Responsibility on the roads is a matter that requires the strictest rules against offenders to avoid road carnages. Potential Questions: Q: What are the best and most effective policies that can be implemented during cell phone usage in cars to reduce road accidents? A: Yes, more comprehensive driver education and technology and just 2 ways to improve driver safety. Q: The multitasking myth is commonly associated to females, therefore, are there narrower statistics of cell phones and car accidents relative to victim’s sex? A: There is no conclusive data to suggest that female drivers are any more likely to have an accident than males due to multitasking. Q: Is the level of road accidents set to get higher in the coming future and if so, what is the best way of creating awareness at both national and international levels? A: As the population increases in the coming decades, it is logical to say that road accidents will increase proportionally. One possible way to create awareness is a national campaign akin to the DARE drug awareness program of the 90’s. References Lamble, D., Kauranen, T., Laakso, M., Summala, H. (1999). Cognitive load and detection thresholds in car following situations: safety implications for using mobile (cellular) telephones while driving.Accident Analysis Prevention,31(6), 617-623. Rosenbloom, T. (2006). Driving performance while using cell phones: an observational study.Journal of Safety Research,37(2), 207-212. Strayer, D. L., Drews, F. A., Johnston, W. A. (2003). Cell phone-induced failures of visual attention during simulated driving.Journal of experimental psychology: Applied,9(1), 23. Violanti, J. M., Marshall, J. R. (1996). Cellular phones and traffic accidents: an epidemiological approach.Accident Analysis Prevention,28(2),

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Agency Roles in Health and Disease

Agency Roles in Health and Disease Introduction Health is a one of the main are in any country. Public health and social care is the area which has more government concern. Due to different factors there are many health hazards reported all over the world. These factors need to consider very seriously and within the country health management policies and procedures need to be updated to control some of the issues. The health sector cannot work isolate. They need to have links with the other government entities and private entities to collectively implement procedures and policies. To manage the public health support from the general public is highly essential. There is a proper defined structure in the health sector where all the functionalities are defined and well manage. Task 1 1.1 Role of Different agencies According to the Greener (2008; p. 45) National Health Service (NHS) is the total body responsible for the implementation of health related activities. The chief governor is the Secretary of state for health. He is responsible all the health related activities in the country. All other departments and governing bodies are coming under secretary. Secretary gives proper guidelines and commands to the other authorities about all the drugs management, new researches, disease management related policies and processes. Under the Secretary Department of Health is coming. Department of Health is responsible for the action plan and implementation of the policies defined and to manage the better health of the public. There are strategic health authorities are there to do the ground work implementation. One category is the primary care trust, which consider the peoples health for the emergency and any necessary assistance. There are community health service, General practitioners, dentists, pha rmacists and opticians. Each of them is responsible to play vital role in terms of public health. The second category is the NHS trust or the secondary care unit. This is the major section of the health service. Which has taken care of hospitals, clinics and other supportive services. As a public health care providers the government funds these and there are few voluntary services organisations who support to manage some of the activities. Hospitals are playing a key role in both prevention and cure. Epidemiological vaccinations are provided from the childs birth to prevent BCG and thereafter another series of doses to prevent different infections. For the cure also hospitals play a major role in different treatment methods implementation. Due to the change of the lifestyle of the people it is highly increasing the no of people who suffer from diabetes. Diabetic research unit is doing researches and providing guidelines for people how to prevent that kind of diseases as per the findings of Britain (2012: p. 3). 1.2 Statistical data analysis Infectious disease Due to the Wilson (2006: p. 67) Tuberculosis is one of the alerted infection in European countries. Since it needs 6 months continuous treatment people tent to forget some time to take drugs. Due to his if the normal tuberculosis turn into multi drug resistant tuberculosis it is very difficult to cure from existing medicines. Following statistics show the behaviour, patterns, and trends of tuberculosis. Noninfectious disease According to Merril and Timmreck (2006: p. 165) Diabetics are the most dangerous non infected disease. Once a person got diabetic it is critical because with it, high blood pressure, heart attacks and many other related complications may arise. At the UK rate of diabetic is around 5% of the population. This is again an alarming situation where the lifestyle matter a lot. 1.3 Effectiveness of the processes implemented Price et al. (2004: p. 78) say that health research organisation has already planed new developments and strategies to reduce and prevent tuberculosis from the UK. There are many strategies implemented and following are the key areas identified and the success of some of the areas. Develop new vaccine current TB vaccine was developed in 1921. It helps to protect 40,000 children every year. With the high rate of HIV and due to the speed it is spreading there is a requirement of researching for new vaccines. Develop more effective drugs Drugs currently using been discovered 40 years ago. Normally it need to treat many moths. Patients who are unable to take the proper drug course may get into drug resistance TB. Develop better diagnosis Present method of diagnosis sputum smear microscopy is 100 years old technique of identifying a patient and it is time consuming. There is a requirement of researching for a new method to identify a TB patient. Introduce innovation in TB control Since the UK TB rate is increasing and no of HIV patients are increasing, it is a requirement to find new methods to control TB. To prevent and cure diabetics there are some implementations planed. Below are some of the steps to prevent diabetes in the UK due to the Britain ( 2012: p. 23). Awareness of the risk of type 2 diabetics Support and advice for the people to minimise risk of diabetes Educate people who have diabetics to minimise complication Educate people to maintain blood glucose level Effective care for people who are hospitalised Above strategies are more forcussing the after effect care. But to prevent any of the disease it is required to educate people from the childhood. Then automatically the lifestyle of the people will change according to the correct health practices. This may be a 20 year project. Since the implementation is taking time this kind of a project need to execute from the government level as findings of HNS Website (2012). Task 2 2.1 Current priorities Due to the Farnan and Enriquez (2012: p. 112) the entire world is now facing a bigger problem, which is HIV. There are 3 main ways where HIV can be infected to another person. Sexual transmission Transmission through blood Mother to child transmission If these 3 risks can reduce the prevention of HIV is easy. There are some methods which are spelled out to reduce the risk. HIV testing Counselling Condom use Circumcision Family planning Sex education Since there is no proper medication found yet the best practice is to avoid people getting HIV. For this continues training programmes and awareness campaigns need to conduct. School children need to educate about the dangers and the prevention methods. All VOG sergeants need to take blood checkups for the pregnant mothers make sure children are not getting spread. This is the millennium challenge in from of us in this century to control HIV as findings of Ramaiah (2008: p. 62). 2.2 Disease prevalence Farnan and Enriquez (2012: p. 112) say that no of people and patients who are getting some medical testes does not count exact no of people who has suffered from the same disease. Same time there are many people who are not aware that they have already infected. Therefore the exact no of people needs to calculate using a model, understand the full effect to the society, and get ready for medication. Most of the diseases public is not aware the actual effect on them. It is necessary to educate them about the effects and synthems of the diastase and soon as feel uncomfortable to meet the GP and get treated. This is the best method of preventing the diseases spreading over the place. 2.3 Impact of Lifestyle Peoples health is depending on their behavioural patterns and lifestyle. This is a proven concept of today for many illnesses. As an example. Type 2 diabetes can be easily managed if the people get used to proper health habits and exercises. With the busy schedules of the people time that they have to spend for health maintenance got reduced. It is the biggest challenge the health sector is having now. The second reason is the dining patterns of people. Most of the people are not taking a balanced dilate. This affects their health in the long term. The next challenge is the people who suppose to come to clinics are not participating those in regular manner. This will break the medication process and for cases like TB can cause serious complications due to this as per findings of Kinger (2005; p. 123). Task 3 3.1 Health and wellbeing priorities According to the Bianchi et al. ( 2005: p. 45) considering the health and well being of people there are several factors combine together to affect the health of individual such as physical factors, sociological , psychological, economic and environmental factors. In addition to that there are several determinants that affect human health and well being. Mainly they are included; Physical factors- malfunction of the body parts, hormonal imbalance, immune system and genetic disorders that exist in the human body are physical factors that affect the health of people. It can be high blood pressure, high cholesterol, releasing stress hormone as well as genetic factors. The psychological factors- These are factors of psychological , behavioural and cultural that involve the physical health and illness of human . Stress is psychological factor and smoking, alcohol, unsafe sexual activities are behavioural factor that affects the health and illness due to Taylor (2012: p. 98). Environmental factors-The environment where people live and work is an environment and Physical environmental factors also affect the human well being and health such as safe water and environment make healthy place. In addition to that some biological, chemical and physical environment factors also affect the health and well being of human. Socioeconomic factors-Education, income, environment are the most important socioeconomic factors that affect the health and well being of human. As an example higher income and social health make better health. Higher education level link with both poor and better well being. And also social factors such as interaction with people, family and friends also important in the facts of Bianchi et al. ( 2005: p. 65). 3.2 Effectiveness of strategies, systems and policies Martin et al. (2010; p. 66) say that strategy is something which are defined by the people sometimes may not have real ground level experience. The policy and the implementation requirements are the factors which need to implement to overcome the issues. However, there can be instances where the ground level implementation is not possible according to the defined guidelines. This may be due to the economical, social, cultural and behavioural patterns of the people. In such situations the policy framework wither not implemented or the implementation will be partial. Then the result will be not according to the predictions. The policy framework needs to define for these areas separately and implementation should carry out accordingly to get the maximum gain. 3.3 Improve health and well being To improve the health and well being it is important to understand the factors which are causing the route. Sometimes social factors such as poverty cause poor health habits and negligence. Physical factors According to Taylor (2012: p. 136) physical factors are high blood pressure, high cholesterol level like things and these can be created due to psychological factors also. In a high work pressure it can create stress as well as increase the blood pressure. Behavioural factors such as eating behaviour can increase the cholesterol levels , sugar levels as well as carbohydrate levels of the body and it will affect the health and well being of the person. In addition to that genetic factors play a part in health and well being by developing certain illness. People need to make aware of such incidents and make necessary arrangements to treat them with priority. Psychological factors Brannon and Feist (2009: p. 56) say that most of psychological factors indirectly influence on human health such as changing behaviour of human. It affects the eating, sleeping, socializing of human and it also affect the hormonal changes as well as heart functions such as heart rates. It makes physical health problems such as heart attacks. As an example stress is a psychological determinant and it affect the memory and reduce the efficiency of the immune system. It influences the reduction of white blood cells and cause bacterial infections mailing physical illness in the human. Depression is another psychological factor that affects heart disease. Its impact on h heart and circulatory system function and mark towards attacks also. In addition to the lack of exercise and excessive use of alcohol, drug abuse like poor habit also related to depression. Insomnia is another psychological factor and causes for that are experts, anxiety, depression and stress. This altered thiamine system and rheumatoid, arthritis like infection can suffer due to that. According to that all these affect the health and well being of human as findings per Rice (2008: p 126). Behavioural factors Jones and Creedy (2012: p. 36) say that for the health and well being of human behaviour also influenced. As an example smoking, drinking drug abusing are behaviours that affect the health. There are several health effects of alcohol consumption. It is damaging most of the body parts. Social economic factors Due to Glanz et al. (2008 : p. 89) poverty is the most important factor that affects the health and well being of people. There is no enough money to live and it influences the mental stress conditions and it causes the work overload lack of sleep etc. These are the causes of other health diseases such as heart attacks. In addition to that poverty affect the food also. There is no adequate food and due to that can increase the nutritional issues such as malnutrition and other nutrition deficiency diseases. Low income people have no time to prepare a good meal and it also causes nutrition problems. The education level also can less and it also leads to unbalance diet that causes the obesity and other diseases. According to that each and every way it shows that the poverty causes the health and well being of humanity. Environmental factors According to the Winkelman (2008: p. 910 environments that human life and work is a very important determinant of their health and well being. Climate, culture, religion, workplace are environmental factors that important in overall well being. As an example the environment with polluted air , water will enhance the negative health and clean air and safe water make a positive health effect. As well as these the working environment also affects the health and well being of humanity. If working environment is no good it make stress to the human and destroy their satisfaction due to other workers and conditions of work environment. Other factors According to the Windsor (2000: p. 98) Social factors such as family background, friends, working members also affect on the health and well being of human. It is related to good relationships and make happy and it affects the mental health of human. In addition to that biology and genetics also other health and well being determined. As an example certain diseases and health conditions from a parent can affect their child and also the behaviour of parent can effect to the child such as stress and mental conditions. Due to the Fisher (2003: p. 95) culture is another factor determine the health and well being because due to some cultural tends also it destroy heath of human. As an example due to some cultures there can be bad feeding habits and believes and it can cause for health and well being of people. Gender is another important factor that affects the health and well being. As and example there can be same diseases in some stages of female than male. And also retention capacity of stress is less in female than the males. This leads to week mental health of female than the male and it is a major determinant. 3.4 Activities need implement to improve health and social care According to Martin et al. (2010; p. 89) there are certain processor to implement as precautionary actions to control spreading health diseases. It is recommended to start health camps from the school level, where the vaccinations and related health camps can be conducted to maintain the school children health. The next most important set of people is elderly community. According to social security information planned visits need to arrange weekly or monthly to check the health status of these people. One of the best practice to control diseases coming to the country is to manage it from the border control. Department of health need to work further closely with immigrations to implement the set guidelines to minimise people coming from infected countries or countries. Conclusion Health sector controls the entire economy in one angle. Because if the people are not well they may not be able to contribute to the economy. In this assignment health sector organisational hiearcahy identified with the roles of each entity. Some of the infectious and noninfectious diseases analysed with statistical data and key elements of improvements to control procedures and their issues being identified. Country and the world facing the change of HIV. Some of the information and procedures mentioned to control health related issues and practical difficulties. Human related wellbeing factors and the most alarming situations explained and solutions to overcome those issues identified. There are some better implementations required to further increase the health of the public.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Biomechatronics Essay -- physics biomechatronic

When Luke Skywalker's hand was sliced off by Darth Vader in the trilogy Star Wars, he received a new prosthetic hand which was fully functional in use and appearance.Today, this science fiction is becoming reality as an exciting new technology called Biomechatronics is promising revolutionary advances in the field of prosthetics. As the name implies, biomechatronics merges man with machine. It is an interdisciplinary field including biology, neuroscience and physics. Biomechatronic scientists create devices that interact with human muscle, bone and the nervous systems with the goal of "assisting or enhancing human motor control that can be lost or impaired by trauma, disease, or birth defects." Today there is a great need in advances in the field of prosthetics. This demand is being generated in large measure by wounded veterans needing prosthetics. While new advances in body armor is saving lives, it is also leading to many limb injuries in soldiers who would not have usually survived. In the first two years of the Iraq war, over 200 soldiers lost limbs. While health care is still servicing wooden hands designed in the World War I era, many patients are unsatisfied with the unnatural movements, aesthetics, weight and lack of motion in these outdated prosthetics. Colonel Geoffrey Ling, a program manager for the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) who is overseeing a project to improve prosthetics says, "The best hand prosthetic one can get is a hook, right out of Peter Pan. It's heavy, it's clumsy and cosmetically, it's just horrid." That is why DARPA along with 70 million dollars to John Hopkin's Applied Physics Laboratory are spearheading the work. The projects goals are lofty: APL hopes to design an arm ... ...zine. (2007) On-line. Freudenrich, Craig Ph.D.. How Biomechatronics works. (2007) On-line. Su, Y. Fisher, M.H. Wolczowski, A. Bell, G.D. Burn, D. Gao, R. Basics of MRI-I. 19 May 2005 'Towards an EMG Controlled Prosthetic Hand Using a 3D Electromagnetic Positioning System' Instrument and Measurement vol. 1, p. 261-266. Guinnessy, Paul. Sept 2006. 'DARPA joins industry, academia to build better prosthetic arms' Physics Today p. 24-25. Unknown author. (2007) On-line. Nerve cells. Herr, Hugh Ph. D. White House/VA Conference / Emerging Technologies in Support of the New Freedom Initiative: Promoting Opportunities for People with Disabilities October 13-14, 2004. (2007) On-line.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Comparing Shakespeares Sonnet 18 with To his Coy Mistress by Andrew Ma

Comparing Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 with To his Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell I will be comparing two poems, ‘Shall I Compare Thee†¦?’ with ‘To His Coy Mistress’, I will examine the purposes of each poem and the techniques used by the two poets to convey ideas and to achieve purposes. Sonnet 18 was written by William’s Shakespeare between 1564 and 1616. The poem ‘To his Coy Mistress’ was written by Andrew Marvell. The Purposes of the two poems are different, the purpose of Sonnet 18 is for Shakespeare to write this poem for a girl or woman he likes, to praise her by comparing her to wonderful things in life, such a Summer, also to grant her immortality through lines of the poem; meaning as long as the poem will exist and be read, the girl (who the poem is to) will continue to exist. Shakespeare therefore does not want anything from the girl in the poem. The purpose and central message of ‘To His Coy Mistress’ is about a man wanting to have sex with a woman he likes and trying to persuade the woman to loose her virginity to him because time is running out. Therefore we recognise that Marvell wants something from the woman in the poem this makes the poem more argumentative. The titles of the two poems, gives an insight of what the poem is about, ‘Shall I Compare Thee†¦?’, this tells the reader that the poem is addressed to someone, this may make the poem more interesting to read and ‘To His Coy Mistress’ meaning ‘To His Girl’, this tells us that Marvell has addressed the poem to a specific girl or woman. Throughout the poem ‘To His Coy Mistress’, Marvell uses time and space to persuade the girl to have sex with him. Marvell also relates death to having sex, he uses words such as ‘Grave’, ‘ashes’, ‘du... ...he poem ‘To his Coy Mistress’ there are Rhyming couplets, but there are few syllable Patterns, for example the first four lines; line one has eight syllables; line two has seven syllables; line three has eight syllables and line four has seven syllables. The sound and Rhythm of the two poems contrast. Sonnet 18 sound and rhythm is slow, calm, and soothing, whilst THCM is speedy, aggressive and frantic. There is repetition used in Sonnet 18 in line two; ‘Thou art more lovely and more temperate’ , the repetition emphasises on how much better a Summer’s day is. I think that Sonnet 18, has many persuasive techniques and tactics to add effect to the purpose of the poem, however I think that the poem ‘To his Coy Mistress’ has more techniques, tactics, themes, Imagery, Symbolism and better Structure, it was therefore easier to achieve it’s purposes.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Alcohol Abuse in College

Alcohol abuse in the college students is an important public health concern especially in today’s media-oriented era. Nearly everyday we hear about new pharmaceuticals, drug clubs, HIV and aids, and the effects of alcohol abuse, and most of us have some personal experiences with these issue: through family, friends, or co workers (Ksir et al., 2006).College life is a period of achieving independence, experimentation, and taking risks. A crucial type of experimentation associated with college students is the alcohol use and abuse. One of the many challenges that college students face is the decision about whether to use alcohol or not. A lot of normal students experiment with alcohol; however, many college students progress past experimentation and become alcohol abuser. Alcohol abuses do develop problems and that substantially affect the college students activities and their future adult lives.This paper provides a deeper understanding about the issue on alcohol abuse particul arly in college students and to examine their collegiate drinking experiences in relation to family backgrounds.Review of Related LiteratureMost college students are exposed to substances such as alcohol and marijuana at some point in their young lives and subsequently make decisions about their use of them. One important source of information on the prevalence of adolescents alcohol use comes from the Monitoring the Future National Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Findings, 2002 (MTF) study (Johnston et al, 2003).MTF is a longitudinal research project that has consistently collected data on the reported use of substances in national samples of adolescents since 1975, and the data from the MTF provide a reasonable picture of the level of substance use for adolescents across the United States. According to this study, the most frequently reported drugs used by adolescents in each grade were alcohol. The data on lifetime use provide an estimate of the number of adolescents who have experimented with a particular substance. Alcohol drinking was reported as being the most used substance across all adolescents in the sample.For example, more than 70% of college students reported having used alcohol in their lifetime, and almost 50% reported using alcohol in the past month. The above data clearly indicate that many college students report an experimental use (Johnston et al, 2003).An emerging body of research on children of alcoholics documents persistent negative consequences of parental alcohol abuse on drinking. A majority of existing of these studies are limited by their focus on families who seek treatment or who come to the attention of the health and legal systems, thus neglecting other children of alcoholics who may not have behavioral, emotional, or substance abuse problems (Russell et. al , 1985).The literature of children of alcoholics is further limited by the fact that there has been very little research on collegiate children of alcoholics, a group that has been academically successful despite any negative effects of family alcohol abuse. Yet there maybe tendency for children of alcoholics to begin problem drinking in late adolescence, the age at which most students begin college.Indeed, Pandina and Johnson’s (1989) longitudinal research on general population of New Jersey adolescents (ages 12-21) suggested that the negative effects of an alcoholic family on one’s own drinking may not emerge until late adolescence (18-21).This tendency might be intensified on entering the college environment, where academic pressures can be severe, where adolescents are struggling with the development of an adult identity, and where alcohol use is often a prominent feature of social occasions. Yet despite an extensive literature on alcohol use among college students in general, only few studies have attempted to examine the approximate size, drinking patterns, or alcohol-related problems of collegiate children of alcoholi cs.

Eco Tourism

Ecotourism in the Philippines The  Philippine  Department of Tourism's hat has been thrown into ecotourism game for awhile now. They've made it part of their plan for economic development. The  country's ecotourism program  strives to install processes and procedures that are economically beneficial, socially responsible, ecologically sustainable and advantageous to the local communities by creating jobs and improving living conditions overall. Palawan is the second biggest province in the country in terms of land area and has been recommended by the tourism department as the top eco-destination in the country.The Ethics of Ecotourism in the PhilippinesAround thirty percent of the people in the Philippines live in poverty, and there are 85 million people who live there. That's nearly 25. 5 million impoverished and suffering people. In 1991, the The World Trade Organization, the United Nations Development Program along with various organization in the Philippines worked to mak e the the nation a bastion of  ecotourism. It wasn't until 1999, however, that an executive order was passed that helped structure the development of ecotourism.The Executive Order: â€Å"The State shall develop and promote sustainable tourism while enjoining the participation of the Filipino people in enhancing the growth and competitiveness of the Philippine economy; and, The State shall ensure the sustainable use, development, management, protection and conservation of the country’s environment and natural resources and cultural heritage for the enjoyment of the present and future generations. † That executive order lead to the development of the  National Ecotourism Strategy.The outline of this strategy includes spreading the wealth to the very impoverished rural areas, the conservation of cultural sites, promotion of conservation awareness, educational programs and more. Eco-Friendly Adventures in the PhilippinesThere are a variety of eco-friendly activities a vailable for the  ecotourist  to enjoy: Swimming with whale sharks in the their natural environment or getting out the binoculars and watching for the rare Philippine Eagle or 600 other varieties of birds.A traveler can also go to a jungle environment survival training camp where he or she can be taught to drink from a water vine, cook in a bamboo steamer and dine off a bamboo plate. Eco-friendly ResortsThe Department of Tourism Recommends The El Nido, Lagen and Miniloc Island Resorts, Club Noah Isabelle and the Bohol Bee Farm. These hotels all carry out environmentally friendly practices: Coastal clean ups, prohibiting the gathering of shells and coral, eco-safe cleanser and many others. Ecotourism in the Philippines| | | | ———————————————— Top of Form Bottom of Form Philippine News and Updates| â€Å"The Philippines offers diverse tourism activities and destinations for tourists with various inclinations. The competitive advantages of the country are its ambiance and natural attractions that are excellent for rest and recreation. Its tropical climate is perfect for outdoor recreational activities. Being an archipelago, the coastline of the country is spiced up with thousands of natural coves and beaches that offer tourists great satisfaction and relaxation.The country’s various government agencies are conducting continuous product development activities to promote tourist destinations. † Arturo M. Alejandrino, narrates in his book, Ecotourism in the Philippines. On this website, one is provided with things to know with regards to Philippine Ecotourism and how it gives emphasis to natural surroundings, local livelihood, protection of the resources and culture within the archipelago.We will also show you essential information related to Philippines Ecotourism — from the latest news, local traditions, cultural heritage, travel ing to natural areas, and anything which conserves the environment and sustains the well-being of local people. Eco-tourism is sustaining the well-being of the natives and the government in the Philippines with responsible and appropriate travel to natural areas which protects the environment and the resources. It is a travel to destinations where biodiversity and cultural heritage of a local culture is given much emphasis and importance.Philippines eco-tourism: * promotes conservation measures as it educates the guests about the local issues with regards to the conservation of the environment; * encourages meaningful community involvement amongst locals in relation to tourism activity; and * is profitable and can sustain by itself as it improves the livelihood of poor people in the rural. Furthermore, Ecotourism works to reduce the adverse effects of what traditional tourism has done to the natural environment. It promotes recycling, energy efficiency and the efficient use and reus e of water. | |

Friday, August 16, 2019

Kiwi Series

Kiwi Series #1 My choice of artwork for this essay is titled Kiwi Series # 1. This painting is made by Dennis Wojtkiewicz in 2005. The size of this painting is 36 by 66 inches. The medium used in this painting is the oil on canvas. I chose this painting because it appeals to my sense of aesthetics and also it has the most interesting use of texture. This painting is an excellent example of our sight being able to activate other senses. The presentation of the translucent fruit and fuzzy skin is so convincing that we have a visual and a tactile reaction and for some, a sensation of taste.The painter has used actual texture in this painting. In this essay, I will talk about the subject matter and then the content. I will also be analyzing each element and principle of design in the painting's composition in an attempt to look at it much more deeply and understand it better. Kiwi Series # 1 is a painting of a  kiwi fruit, which is cut into half. It is placed on a table or some hard su rface. The painter has drawn every little detail of the fruit  in the painting. The seeds, the internal minor lines in the fruit, and the difference in textures are done with great enthusiasm and passion.This painting makes me calm and relaxed because of the colors used in this painting and also its overall appearance. The Elements: There are different kinds of lines used in this painting. The artist has used some curvy lines near the edge and the center of the fruit. Straight lines are also used in this painting. Some lines are thick and some are thin, separating the seeds and the showing the opaqueness of some parts. The painting itself is a rectangle shape. The  shape of the fruit is objective. There are many other smaller shapes in the painting. The shape of the seeds is oval.The center of the fruit gives kind of semi-circle look. The row of the seeds looks like a thin petal of  a flower. The fruit itself is looking like a semi-circle. There is a great amount of contrast. This painting  has a photography value in which the  artist has used light part against the  dark  part. Chiaroscuro is also evident due to the illusion of light and shadow as the light source is coming from the top. Casting shadow on the table. There are areas of strong contrast such as the light color of fruit against the dark background. Sfumato is also evident in this painting.The dark colors of the seeds also create contrast against the light color of the fruit. Also there is contrast of the seeds against the bright  area near it. The color is a local color as it replicates the appearance of the real world. The colors are natural. The fruit is green and light green in color. The seeds are black. A slight brown color is also used near the edge of the fruit. The texture is simulated. If someone would touch this painting, they would feel slight bumps of the paint. For the most part, the artist has simulated the texture of the fruit.The background of the painting appears to be smooth. There is not much space in the painting. The figure is right at the forefront of the painting so the painting has shallow space. The background is dark  and we could not see anything except the fruit. Principles: The balance in this painting is symmetrical. The right side is very similar to the left side. If I were to draw a line in the middle of this painting, the visual weight on both sides of the painting would be the same. The painting is populated almost the same on both sides.The dominant part in this painting is the half-cut kiwi fruit. It occupies almost 85% of the space of the painting. Kiwi fruit is the biggest thing in the painting and it is the most important aspect of the subject matter. The same shape of the seeds in the painting creates harmony. Also the bright row that contains seeds is also of the same shape so they are the unifying factor in this painting. This work is not economical at all. There is a great amount of details and attention given to the figure. In my opinion it is highly realistic and the artist has drawn it with great interest.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Diversity Considerations Essay

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations. The discriminatory factors that promote societal, political, socioeconomic, and spiritual oppression of culturally diverse populations will also be illustrated in this paper. The paper would further examine the racial and cultural diversity within non-native English-speaking communities. Moreover, this paper will also analyze how current research may positively impact the delivery of public safety and enhance the evaluation of information and resources. Lastly the chosen articles used for this paper will be evaluated on the basis of their reliability and credibility. Influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations The behavior, values, perceptions, and attitudes of different human beings are greatly influenced by their experience as well as their genetic inheritance. The ways in which different people are developed are formed by the social circumstances and experiences within the context of their innate genetic potentials. The question remains that how hereditary potential and experience serve their roles in developing the behavior, values, perceptions, and attitudes of a human being. All human beings are born into specific cultural and social settings and ultimately develop several social connections. The characteristics of a person’s cultural settings greatly influence the way they learn to behave and think, by means of example, punishments, rewards, and instructions. In addition, the culturally induced behavioral patterns, like forms of humor, body language, and speech patterns, become so profoundly embedded in the mindset of human beings that they frequently operate without the people themselves being  completely aware regarding them. All the various cultures include a slightly different mesh of meanings and patterns; attitudes towards different cultures, expectations for behavior, customs and habits in arts, clothing, foods, and religions, social roles, systems of government and trade, ways of earning a living, and values and beliefs regarding each of these activities (Chan,, 2012). What is perceived as acceptable human behavior is different in different religions and in different periods of time. All the cultural and social groups have typically accepted varieties of behavior for their members, with possibly some particular standards for subgroups, like children and adults, males and females, athletes and artists. Atypical behaviors might be considered either simply distasteful or amusing, or punishably illegal. A behavior considered as normal in one culture might be considered as deplorable in some other religion. For instance, assertively competitive behavior is perceived as arrogant in exceedingly coope rative cultures. On the other hand, a lack of interest in competition might be considered as being out of step in many subcultures of an exceedingly competitive society, for instance, the US. It is widely accepted that the expectations, understandings, customs, rules, roles, and norms of interactions in interpersonal relationships are mainly marked out and transmitted by culture and cultural factors. However, it has been found that the cultural influences greatly extend from the expression and interpretation of interpersonal relationships. It has further been found that culture not only influences the internal but external aspects of interpersonal relationships as well. For instance, there is significant evidence which indicates cultural variations in the demonstrations of emotions and feelings underlying interpersonal relationships (Crisp & Turner, 2011). Discriminatory factors that promote societal, political, socioeconomic, and spiritual domination of culturally diverse populations Race Racism may be defined as the unconscious or the conscious belief in the dominance of one race over some other race. This definition presumes the existence of various biological races, specifically the human genome project. Nevertheless, despite that race is evidently a social construct; racism is still widespread all across the globe. In spite of the fact that a  very small number of people now remain to believe in a superior race having an innate right to practice power over the ones that are considered as inferior; there are a lot of people who still exercise ethnocentrism or racism. They believe that some of their known cultures have some sort of superiority over some others and also that some customs, traditions, cultures, and histories are not appropriately compatible with theirs. Any sort of racism is related to power and the powerful people usually determine what is superior and discriminate against people who have less power. For this reason, racism may be considered as the practical translation of discrimination into action (Chan,, 2012). Ethnicity Discrimination, as with cultural racism, on the basis of culture and ethnicity considers some minorities and cultures as intrinsically undesirable or inferior. Hostility or Anti-Semitism toward Jews as an ethnic or religious minority persists from the medieval times when the Jews were generally the only non-Christian minority that existed in Europe. Jews, expelled from their nations or murdered, stripped of property, penalized with high taxes, compelled for living in ghettos secluded from the Christians, and generally forbidden from practising majority of the professions and trades, strived for hundreds of years against prejudice and injustice of the Christian societies. Xenophobia As a response to the increasing diversity and globalization in the society, many individuals respond with xenophobia that refers to the aversion or fear to foreign countries or foreigners. The concept of foreign in majority of the cases depends on the ideas and images constructed socially, which reduces the globe to â€Å"us†, â€Å"them†, â€Å"good ones like me†, and â€Å"the normal†, the others who are distinctive: a disruption, a threat demonstrating a degradation of appropriate behavior and values. Despite that majority of the individuals consider xenophobia as generally acceptable and in contradiction with the human rights culture; it is not atypical. Discriminations on the basis of xenophobia, for instance acts of violence and verbal abuse, are evidently the violations of human rights (Correa, 2000). Gender Gender discrimination is quite pervasive in our society. Schools, childcare institutions, family, media, and other societal institutions transmit and preserve stereotypes regarding women and men. In the Western societies, conventional gender traits are frequently related to power – men and their specific activities are classified as influential, public oriented, important, brave, productive, strong, outgoing, and having increased value, social recognition, and monetary rewards. On the other hand, it is widely believed that the main traits of women include; family-oriented, caring, dependent, and passive. Religion The boom of Islamophobia is of specific concern these days and since ever, which refers to the discrimination, hatred and fear of Islam, and that is the most common religion in Western countries after Christianity. The antagonism toward Islam following the terrorist attacks on targets in England, Spain, and the US during the past years has unveiled deep rooted discriminations in majority of the Western countries. Amongst the most widespread public expressions of the discrimination is the rejection of being authorized to construct mosques, a scarcity of official recognition of Islam as a religion, restraints on girls and women on wearing the headscarf, and failure in supporting facilities for the religious communities or groups of Muslims (Crisp & Turner, 2011). Sexual orientation Homophobia refers to hatred for or aversion to homosexual people, lesbians or gays, or their cultural backgrounds, or typically to individuals having a different sexual orientation, counting in the transgendered and bisexual individuals. Despite that the legal reforms in a number of Western nations have greatly reinforced the human rights of lesbians and gays; there is a great variation in conditions. This ranges from the urban regions wherein homosexual individuals work and live openly, and also from the civil unions having rather less difficulty, to the rural regions and areas of Central and Eastern Europe wherein gays might follow harassment, discriminatory laws, and even aggression as a psychological disorder, a disease, or even an  ethical offense. The heterosexual norms are unconsciously or consciously applied by several others to lesbians and gays, faulting them for being unsuccessful in conforming to the types of behavior expected of normal individuals. Disability It is misconceived by a number of individuals that individuals having disabilities may not be productive members of the society. The major negative attitudes either include that the individuals having disabilities are sick or broken and need healing or fixing, or even that are good for nothing and require being cared of (Correa, 2000). Racial and cultural diversity within non-native English-speaking communities People belonging to different linguistic backgrounds face a number of issues in their daily lives. For the fact that culture and language are entwined, language minority individuals are anticipated to use and learn the novel cultural dispositions and the novel language in an effective and efficient manner. This novel culture and language is diverse from what they have learned at home. Despite that the United States is amongst the most diversified nations of the world, there are some languages which are widely employed like Spanish and English. English is the global language which a good majority if individuals employ for communicating in the United States and specifically for global interrelationships. Despite that a number of non native English speakers seek for English language classes in their nations and communities prior to migrating to any Anglophone nation for the purpose of making it convenient for them to intermingle and interact with others, there are many amongst them who yet strive when they face up the reality of interacting with an actual Anglophone. Such people are then discriminated and criticized in various walks of their life. For this reason, the society compels them for improving their communication skills to their earliest (Correa, 2000). Positive impact of current research on the delivery of public safety and evaluation of information and resources The current research contributes to the delivery of public health by enhancing the knowledge base regarding the  factors promoting cultural discrimination in our society. Previous studies related to similar constructs have been explored and analyzed in depth which helped in analyzing the impact of cultural diversity and discrimination on various groups and communities existing in the society. Furthermore, the study contributes towards increasing awareness amongst diversified cultural groups and minorities regarding the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations. In addition, this research paved the way for cultural harmony in societies that are exceedingly culturally diverse. This research give power to the communities and individuals to meet the challenges allied to the economic, cultural, and social inequality and discrimination in the society. Reliability and credibility of the chosen research articles The reliability and validity of the study are highly important for increasing the credibility and accuracy of the data collected by the researcher. Reliability is referred to the consistency of the data which is achieved when the research instrument gives same results when used again. Moreover, validity is the credibility of the research instrument which checks if it measures what it is supposed to measure. In this study, the reliability of the research method was achieved through matching it with the aims of the study. The sources of data were disclosed in order to have reliable research findings. The validity of the research instrument was ensured by comparing previous researches which have used the same method. Attempt was made by the research to ascertain that the reliability errors are cut down so that in case disparities are noted in the data, they may be attributed to the intervention rather than sloppy inferences. Furthermore, this research meets the criteria of generalizability or the external validity of the research, which entails if the conclusions derived from the research may be transferred to different groups. Conclusion This paper analyzed and explored previous researches related to the topic of this research, that is: cultural diversity. The paper started with the demonstration of the way culture influences on attitudes, values, perception, human behavior, and interpersonal relations. This was followed  by the illustrations of the discriminatory factors that promote societal, political, socioeconomic, and spiritual domination of culturally diverse populations. The factors presented in the paper include; race, ethnicity, xenophobia, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and disability. The last topic of the research content was the racial and cultural diversity existing within non-native English-speaking communities. In the concluding part of the paper, positive impact of current research has also been presented on the delivery of public safety and evaluation of information and resources. Lastly, reliability and credibility of the chosen research articles was presented. References Chan, K., Satterfield, T., & Goldstein, J. (2012). â€Å"Rethinking ecosystem services to better address and navigate cultural values†. Ecological Economics, Vol. 74, pp. 8-18. Correa, C. (2000), Beyond TRIPs, in D.A. Posey (ed.), â€Å"Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity†, London: Intermediate Technology Publications, pp. 533-534 Crisp, R. J., & Turner, R. N. (2011). â€Å"Cognitive adaptation to the experience of social and cultural diversity†. Psychological bulletin, Vol. 137(2), pp. 242.